First Time Mom's Guide: What To Pack In Your Diaper Bag

As a first time you're probably wondering what to bring when you leave the house to venture into the world with your little one. You may have already ventured out and as my mom would say 'brought everything but the kitchen sink'. Rest assure it will not always  be like that and with time you will gradually pair down your must have. In the mean time we've come up with 6 essentials to pack in your diaper bag. 

We've all faced the dreadful bathroom stalls and thought do I really want to change my child here? Finding a clean place to change your child can be hard at times so we've come up with a few tips to make an on the go diaper change run smoothly.

Keep your kit organized and reachable by using an organizing/diaper pouch or some type of easily carried container. The kit should include:
  1. A change of clothes for both hot and cold weather. I like to have a long sleeve and short sleeve top with two pair of bottoms (shorts and long pants). This way you're prepared for any season. 
  2. Pack an extra blanket for cool nights our organic baby snuggle blankets are perfect light weight options,
  3. baby changing mat or surface to change your child one.
  4. Add extra diapers even thought you keep them in your diaper bag add a few more for emergency.
  5. Wipes, and any other diaper products you use such as diaper cream. If you are cloth mama our organic cotton wipes are amazing along side a spray bottle with solutions or in a water proof pouch.
  6. Leak proof/ water proof seal-able bag for the moments we'd all rather forget but is a part of parenting.